
If you haven't received my support letter by email already, please take a minute to read it here.

Monday, May 26, 2008

It is nearing noon here and y'all should be in bed getting some rest.

The hotel in which we are staying is SWANK! I'm not lying. The shower head is one of those ones that is big and round and makes you feel like you are standing underneath a waterfall. I have to remind myself to keep my mouth shut, it would be dangerous to drink even a little of the water. we use bottled water to brush our teeth even.

The veiw out my window isn't all that (it looks at another hotel and a parking lot), but out of the window of one of our other teammates, you get this:

So far today, we have had our first team meeting and we have stuffed the boxes for the hotel hospitality bags that the VIPs will be getting when they arrive. Right now, we have a short break while a few people run to the bank and to do some shopping. In about an hour, we are going to meet for lunch and for our first trip to see the venue. We have a ton to do before Friday gets here and so it is nice to have this little lull.

If you are praying for this journey, then I ask that you join me in praying that we would have wisdom in setting priorities and the endurance that we will need to get everything done. Pray for team unity and that we would all remain healthy. (Despite being sticky with bug spray, I already have bites and so pray that our malaria medication works.)

For me, pray that I would be a humble servant this week. That God would open my eyes to see needs as they arise. I am struggling with wanting to be useful, but not knowing exactly what to do. I don't feel pretty or cool enough to be hanging with these people. Pray that God would change my heart- that he would show me the truth of the matter is that I don't have to be pretty or cool enough. That by bowing down to an inferiority complex, I am making light of the fact that He has called me his daughter and that he has equipped me with His Spirit. Pray that my mind will be constantly renewed. I know that this sounds random, but just felt like throwing it out there.

It was so nice to talk to Wendy, Scott, and Momma last night through Skype. Thank you each for your encouraging words. Also, Sara, thanks for the devos- I've enjoyed them so far.

I should go.
Happy Memorial Day to y'all. Have fun and be careful today.

1 comment:

Jess said...

I am glad I checked your blog today! I am glad you made it. Josh and I are following your trip and we'll be praying for you.

Thank you for being transparent. I've already prayed for you, specifically for the "pretty and cool" thing. I can totally relate. I get attacked with that when I serve too.

Oh, and I'll pray you can keep your mouth shut in the shower. I think that's what got me in Guatemala.